'Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement' -Brian Tracy
One complaint so often discussed in the afrocarib hair care world is that our hair doesn't grow or more-so that it is constantly one length. However truth is the black hair doesn't grow myth is well past its expiry date!
One factor that plays such a huge role in hair retention thus hair length is how we wear our hair. If your hair is pulled back tight, rubs against your clothing... pillows and is frequently straightened- it is prone to split ends, and you all know that split ends ride up your hair shaft meaning your ends will break off, look thin and your hair will never seem to grow. If you find yourself in this dilemma and like the idea of protecting your hair from such damage then this challenge may just be for you!
APRIL 2011 Protective Style Challenge
*3 inches in 6 months*
Weave and braids are great protective styles and can help retain length. With weaves /braids your hair can be put away and your job is just to keep your scalp happy. The challenge officially begins this month (before end of april 2011). You can begin with your current weave /braids or for anyone wanting to start also get weave /braids put in .
How the challenge works:
*Set a hair goal
(Hair can grow approx. 0.5 inches a month therefore in 6 months you can attain approx. 3 inches = approx. 7 cm)
*Keep style in for approx. 2 months
*In between installs, treat hair and allow to rest for a minimum of 1 week
*Track your progress (pictures)
*Wash hair once every week or 2 week
*Deep condition hair on wash day (alternate between moisturizing condition and protein conditioner)
*Nourish/feed scalp with castor oil every 2-3 days (or as needed)
Other important things to remember:
*Full head weaves are better for natural hair wearers
*Thoroughly rinse your hair when applying products on wash day
*Braids should not be done too tight. Tight braids can lead to scalp irritation and hair damage
- Horizontal braid patterns help you to access your scalp better
*Do not be scared to wash your weave. Applicator bottles are great for getting in between tracks. They are also great for applying oil to your scalp.
*When taking weave out detangle with moisturizer cornrow by cornrow.
For more maintenance tips check out:
It would be great to see your results and and also share ideas, issues, progress so do join the facebook group/page where there will be an album 'Protective Style Challenge 2011', you can add a picture of your hair length before starting the challenge and track your progress, or if you already have a weave /braids in, wait till your next install and add a pic then. Even if adding pictures isn't your thing do keep a personal record of your progress. You'll be surprised how much you see when keeping an eye out! I will be posting my hair progress every 8 weeks in between installs and doing a length comparison post and feedback vid on youtube. Here are some encouraging sites and some info in the meantime:
See you in 8 weeks!
x edF