Monday, 15 April 2013

A Wintery London Spring

The UK weather man must have such a boring job, I mean every day reporting the same old grim, grey, wet spells must have some sort of negative effect on your mojo right?! Anyway #I'mNotInvolved2013! I took myself away from the comfort of my warm, and welcoming duvet sheets to a nearby pond for some alone time [didn't end up being alone though!]

Why the need to dress up you ask? Well I leave that down to Creta, as you folks may know I've been feeling super sassy and diva-ish since getting her :p so I figured there was no reason not to dress up right?!

Oh and did I mention wig wearing means I really don't trip over my hair getting wet or blown in the wrong direction anymore! It's so liberating ladies you should consider it!  Here was a lucky no-rain, a tad of sunshine and a whole lot of wind kinda day in photos!

Talent behind the camera: GrandCulturePhotography

Anyway that's enough of me already! I apologise for the lack of posting of recent. I had quite a few things going on and found it easier to keep you posted on all things Me & Hair on Instagram!

Before I go any recommendations on a great vendor of human hair wigs similar to my Creta girl, she's giving up on me already... *sigh* the joys of synthetic wigs?!

Avec amour...


  1. That wig looks really natural on you, very cute!

  2. Stunning photos dear and the hair really suits you.

  3. This hair really suits you!

  4. She looks amazing on, blends in so beautifully with your own hair.


Hey lovelies!

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x Fi