I was gutted about not being able to get coverage on the Afro Hair and Beauty Show and Curlvolution this year. In the first instance I couldn't go and in the second instance miss Laila Jean [Fusion of Cultures] had my SD card so I couldn't upload my pics.*Sigh* Anyway I refused to let the JCS 360 event slip! I had my younger sister help out with hair stalking and photo taking... Here are our recollections of the amazing turn out, amazing people and all in all fantastic day!
For those of you who weren't able to attend there will definitely be a UK Blogger Collective part 2. Will keep you posted!
P.s. am I allowed to apologise again for my complete muck up of the shout outs! Those who were there know exactly what I'm talking about (covers face)!!! Black Hair & Beauty Magazine Black Beauty and Hair Magazine!!!
Two weeks have flown by and I've changed my hair since this post but me not sharing this with you would be an injustice so here it goes...
I've now reached 19 months into my transition [when in the world did that happen right?!] and my protective styling game is in full and complete swing. I have currently reached the stage of my transition where my relaxed ends are weaker than ever. No amount of conditioning, moisturising and sealing etc can stop these bad boys from wanting to be chopped off! Single strand knots and breakage at the line of demarcation are more than ever present... Now if you've just read the above and are wondering why then I haven't snipped off my troublesome ends, lets just say I'm a short hair wimp. I've never had short hair, not that I can remember anyway so best believe I'm stretching the full 24 months for a touch more of length! Judges be gone, some of us just like and are more used to long hair okay!
So the moral of my story is I'm protective styling, low to no heat, low manipulation styling. My natural growth loves it and it keeps my ends a lot happier. The Ashanti unit graced me with a full month of 97%ish protection and all in all I loved it!
I'll drop some quick specs below just for information sake and let the video do the rest of the talking!