Monday 13 January 2014

Making your Own : D.I.Y Winter Supple Lip Scrub

Over the last few months of 2013 I started to take grooming a lot more seriously, I'm a huge believer in getting into a habit of all things girly before living with someone else i.e the hubby,  so that it's not a huge lifestyle change when you do tie the knot and realise you can't always live in a headscarf or stretch your chipped nails for weeks on end! Basically my new motto is waxing, nails done, hair done, everything did! 

So I decided I'd start pampering and treating myself more often, i.e manis, pedis, waxes and of course a good massage just because. But some things you simply can't really pay for and kinda shouldn't have to because your kitchen cupboard can seriously hook you up!

Have I rambled there? I think so! Point is, in celebration of my all new groomed up lifestyle I've been paying a lot more attention to my physical self and the winter dry lips thing was killing my swag! I just had to get D.I.Y on myself and put together a super simple and my goodness delicious but shouldn't be eaten lip scrub

It has my lips super soft and supple [baby bum supple] and I'm totally in L-O-V-E!


- Literally pour an equal amount of all of your main ingredients into a jar -
- Add any extras e.g. herbs at your desired quantity -
- Use a spoon to fold ingredients into one another -
- You can then use your fingers to gently rub the scrub all over your lips - 
- Finally use a warm damp cloth to remove and follow up with a thick lip balm -

Vitamin E Oil - softens, heals, prevents moisture loss, reduces scarring
Honey - softens, soothes dry and chapped skin
Brown Sugar - humectant, contains glycolic acid, natural exfoliator
Rosemary - soothes dry skin
Extra Virgin Coconut Oilstrengthens underlying tissue and removes excessive dead skin cells, antibacterial, moisturising.

* If your Coconut oil is hard then you can lightly warm this by placing your required amount in a bowl in a warm water bath to slightly melt this. Be careful not to over warm as this will cause the sugar to melt.

Avec amour... Fiona ❥

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