Tuesday 9 November 2010

Love Your...Self: Healthy food to Healthy hair

As much as I feel like i'm repeating myself, i still feel it's so important not to underestimate the relationship between what we eat vs the condition of our hair. In any case i think what we consume is even more important than the products we use in our hair. Losing weight is probably my biggest fear EVER but I'm most definitely not the junk food eater. I keep it real healthy 'n' tasty too!
So.... here are a few vital ingredients in our diets that are very beneficial with regards to hair care. Try taking some on board, i'm sure you"ll be pleased with the results.

Green Vegetables { Spinach, Broccoli, Watercress }
+ High in antioxidants
+ High in Vitamins A,K,D,E ( vital in skin renewal )
+ Encourages healthy sebum production

Vitamin C  { Oranges, Lemons, Kiwi, Mango, Papaya}
+ Promotes healthy youthful looking skin
+ High in antioxidants which fight free radicals keeping your skin firm and youthful
+ Promotes healthy gums
+ Produces collagen
+ Found in most anti aging products
Tip: Squeeze some fresh lemon into your water to incorporate vitamin c into your daily activities

Fish/Seafood {Tuna, prawns, Mackerel, Salmon}
+ High in fatty acids
+ High in protein
+ Work to eliminate toxins from entering the blood stream
+ Reduce cholesterol

Nuts {Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuts}
+ HIgh in fatty acids
+ Promote skin suppleness 
+ Rich in fiber
+ Been shown to lower cholesterol

Berries {Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries}
+ Antioxidant Kings!!! - Protect your skin from free radicals
+ Renown for providing skin with a healthy/radiant glow
+ Produce collagen
+ Promote younger looking skin.

x edF x

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