Thursday 18 November 2010

Hair Growth: Essential Oils

I'm sure most of you know that oils are absolute life savers when it comes to scalp nourishment and also the famous moisturise and seal phenomenon. Oils offer a range of uses: antiseptic properties, antibacterial, sealing properties and of course a favourite, they are GREAT for hair growth!

Oils are homeboys in my hair journey. I know for a fact that they played a large role in healthier hair after one year of my hair journey.

Oils, namely essential oils, have been said to lengthen our hairs anagen phase. Anagen phase being the phase in our hair growth cycle in which our hair follicles actively grow. So....without going out of your way to buy a load of expensive products containing oils, you can simply pay a trip to a local Holland and Barretts (for y'all english folk!) or a local health store, and get a few oils which you can add to your already loved hair products or carrier oils.

Ways to incorporate oils into your hair regime:

* Add a few drops (2/3) to a squirt/dollop of shampoo and conditioner
* Add 2/3 drops to your hot oil treatment (if you don't do these... you should!)
* Add 2/3 drops to your scalp oil and massage your head- I do this on a daily BA-SIS.

Quick info:
 Carrier oils and essential oils are very different.
Carrier oils are oils such as coconut oil, canola oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil etc. They usually can also be used for cooking and don't have a very strong odour. Whereas essential oils should not be used in excess, only a few drops are needed to add to carrier oils ( never use essential oils alone- they are way too strong!) Plus essential oils usually have very strong odours. E.g Pure tea tree oil, Pure peppermint oil, pure Rosemary oil etc.

Here are a few oils specifically great for hair growth:

* Rosemary oil
*Clary sage oil
*Tea tree oil
*Peppermint oil
*Lavendar oil
*Bay leaf oil


  1. Hi Fiona! I was wondering if you would recommend using Castor Oil and Eucalyptus oil as a scalp feed?? -Afua

  2. Hi Afua :) Yes most definitely. Castor oil for thickness and growth, Eucalyptus for stimulation and a ceramide boost. Sounds perfect and simple!


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x Fi