Thursday 2 June 2011

7 months Post

So it's finally here... month 7 of my post relaxer stretch. I never thought I could do it and blog happily about it, but somehow its all worked out well! I must say the protective style challenge came just in time, as i'm not sure i'd be this happy if i had my hair left out.

Transitioning has been on my mind ever since the end of my 6 month stretch in 2010 and the beginning of this 12 month stretch. I never planned on stretching this long initially. In fact i planned on relaxing in January and it just never happened!

Anyway as you know from my braid pattern pictures of my weave, I have some left out hair which allows me to wear a ponytail without seeing any cornrows. I gave my hair a wash (well everything except the absolute front section) and it was a total shock to see how my hair has transformed! It's practically natural! Now I understand why shrinkage can be so frustrating!

Excuse the pic quality. Had to use my phone because the nikon was charging!

back section of hair

stretched back section of hair
So the question still remains... to transition or not to transition???

x edF


  1. Girl ain't that the truth! With every long stretch, I question if I should just go ahead natural. Then I decide I love my relaxed hair too much. Good luck deciding!

  2. hey liebes!
    tu es! zumindest wenn du noch nie natural warst..(ausser in der kindheit)!
    viel glück

  3. @Froschi! Danke! Hoffentlich werde ich es schaffen!

    @EbonyCPrincess- haha thank you! Keep me posted on your gorgeous hair :)


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x Fi